Ultimaker 2 Swivel Arm for Raspiberry Pi 7in Touchscreen Display

Ultimaker 2 Swivel Arm for Raspiberry Pi 7in Touchscreen Display


This is a support arm for mounting the Raspberry Pi official 7in Touchscreen Display on the side of an Ultimaker 2, 2+ or 2+ Extended. This allows the Pi running Octoprint with its display to be mounted similar to a control panel on the side of a CNC machine for easy operation and access. The arm has holes which also allows for easy routing of USB and power cables. The arm allows vertical swivel of the entire display to adjust the viewing angle. This arm requires that the Pi and its display be mounted in the case designed by luc_e in https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1585924. In addition, the back cover needs to be replaced with the one from registeredthing in https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2846471. I recommend printing this in ABS as the arm is a very snug fit to the Ultimaker 2 and ABS allows some flex when the arm is fitted to the printer. With PLA, it's very brittle. The arm would crack and break during fitting. You will need a long 3 or 4mm bolt and hex nut to secure the Pi and its display in it case to the arm.



