LED glas ball lamp with remote

LED glas ball lamp with remote


This is an application using parts from my versatile LED cube / dice. There are two versions: -using the cube 43x43mm as a base / mount (low voltage electronics from garden lighting or DIY) -using a separately made case 64x64mm as the base of the stand The stand has a case / compartment for some electronics and the low voltage power plug. Osram GU10 lamp 3D model https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3951293 Update: The RADAR version has moved into a separeted project: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3972757 Have put the Osram LED lamp with GU10 socket into the glas ball. The base case holds the wire terminals and the cable strain relief. To keep the things safe a socket for the lamp could be mounted. The base has some stand offs for a mount plate made from plastic or FR2 or FR4 pcb material without the copper foil. Some flat sockets can be found. The hight of the body is 16mm. Amazone item No. B00LAZXMG8. Some tinkering required. . See the LED cube: (now part of a series of parts making a system for several applications) https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3926580 Indoor use only. This thing is not waterproof. Mount the glass ball UPRIGHT all the time. Have fun. Warning: The WAF Regardless of all the shiny look, the blinking LED it has been almost rejected by my wife. She wants no visible screws. But a number of the small dices filled with blinking stuff got her O.K. The WAF, sometimes hard to meet. Some RC-modellers have made those circular warning lights. Interestingly not only those made with motors but many LED arranged as a circle. With no doubt there do exist a few (or many?) solutions using multilexed or charlieplexed LED's. https://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~heha/Mikrocontroller/LEDs/ https://translate.google.de/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww-user.tu-chemnitz.de%2F~heha%2FMikrocontroller%2FLEDs%2F Schematics: https://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~heha/Mikrocontroller/LEDs/Rundum.png https://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~heha/Mikrocontroller/LEDs/Rundum2.png https://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~heha/Mikrocontroller/LEDs/Eagle.zip/rundum4.wmf?bin=SVG Henrik Haftman made a pcb design (no software) See the pcb images, exported from Eagle. PCB file (Eagle format) https://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~heha/Mikrocontroller/LEDs/Eagle.zip He declares all his stuff comes (when available) with Open Source software. So i assume nobody can start stupid DMCA requests. Tiny bit of software grabbed from the BASCOM-forum: bascomforum.de/index.php?thread/690-rundumlicht-mit-led-und-attiny13/&pageNo=2 Change the $crystal frequency accordingly to your MC setup. DIY LED light using ATTiny13, with simple BASCOM code, but no schematics YT watch?v=iC9bg38YGSA . The things: It holds the glas made ball, taken from gardening LED light. The dome holder assembly consists of 3 parts, see the drawing. The base part goes as a top part toward the cube mid section with bottom part. The electronics blinky stuff will be hidden mostly by the cube/stand. Requiered parts: - glas ball diameter 80mm, bottom opening 50mm - blinky electronics, DIY or salvaged from garden lighting small no mount plate version: - radar dome printed ring connector parts (upper, lower) - mid section from versatile cube (has no screw connection) - solid bottom part from versatile cube - 4 screws machine screws M3 x 17mm with hex nuts (ring connector parts) big mount plate version - radar dome printed ring connector parts (upper, lower) - 4 screws machine screws M3 x 17mm with hex nuts (ring connector parts) - mount plate connector 64x64mm - 4 screws machine screws M3 x 23mm For using these parts the 4 mount screws must match the total hight of both parts. Assembling tricks: See the assembling pictures first. Printing gives no problems, assembly ist almost fool proof now. (Just kidding.) The ring connector is tricky to assemble. Do not apply much force , do not push the screws or nuts hard. - Use a small file as a reamer if you feel much resistance. - If the nuts do not fall into the caves, use a little amount of heat to warm up the nuts first Do not cut away plastics here. Better melting and pushing excess aside. The screw holes are 2.5mm. so 3mm screws will not pass through easily. Where screws go through with no grip required widen the holes, let them pass. Predrill the other holes gently, turning the drill bit by hand. Improving the lighting: Regarding the light diffusion Hackaday has an article. https://hackaday.com/2017/04/25/ask-hackaday-what-about-the-diffusers/ THE END






