Pololu 3Pi line follower bull dozer body

Pololu 3Pi line follower bull dozer body


I designed this body and 2 blade options to attach to a Pololu 3Pi Line Following robot. I was a course designer for a robot race competition at work, and I built two spare bots as an "offensive" obstacle on the course. The two bull dozers weren't running line following code. Instead they just paced back and forth in a small area where the line-following competitors would be coming through. The randomness of these two bots was very frustrating for the competitors because there was no amount of code that could predict where they might be in their patrol pattern. It added a very fun element to the overall course. I used some #2-26 screws to attach the blades to the body, and the body to the robot. I'm sure there is a metric screw that would work too, but I didn't have any that small on hand at the time. The screw mount hole on the chevron plow blade is frustratingly close to the blade itself, so it is kinda tough to get the screw in, but it is possible with a thin screwdriver. It should probably be remixed to make access easier.






