Pebble Time 20mm watch strap adapter
Adapter for using 20mm watch straps with the Pebble Time which takes 22mm straps. I had bought what I thought was a 22mm NATO strap but the spring pins kept popping out, and on measuring the strap it turns out to be 20mm instead. The strap worked relatively well with my original Pebble with few instances of the spring pins coming loose, but when I cut it up and sewed loops into the strap to make it work with the Pebble Time without obscuring the charging port, the spring pins would fall out the holes multiple times per day. The idea here is to stop the strap from moving around constantly therefore helping the spring pins pop out. It fits a little tight, so a spring pin tool is advised for installing it properly. :) Didn't really print too well on my sucky xyz davinci nano so I had to drill the hole manually. I suspect most printers will struggle with it.