[Mathematical Art/Toy] [Laser Cutting] Koch Snowflake Puzzle

[Mathematical Art/Toy] [Laser Cutting] Koch Snowflake Puzzle


puzzle_full_final.svg: The svg file of the entire puzzle the PDF files: 1. suitable for cutting on 12'' x 12'' size wood, 2. PuzzleCut1, PuzzleCut2, PuzzleCut3, PuzzleCut4: Can be cut on four 12'' x 12'' woods. When put together, gives the overall boundary shape of the puzzle 3. PuzzleCut5, PuzzleCut6, PuzzleCut7: are the actual pieces of the puzzles, which when put together correctly, should fit in the boundary shape cut out earlier. A fun set of puzzle designed for my advisor Christopher Rycroft's (https://www.seas.harvard.edu/directory/chr) May library talk on fractal! His library talk aims at promoting mathematics and science ideas to the general public, in a way that's both educational and fun/interesting. This is a demo to use to show some ideas of fractal (self-similarity, simple rules).







Math Art