Wendigo costume set

Wendigo costume set


This is a Wendigo / Forest spirit / Leshen (from The Witcher) costume set. It's remixed from other things (see remix sources). ## UPDATE 2020-10: You probably would want to check out the great [articulated claw by JulienJeanroy](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4342323). It's skinnable and you may want to create your own skin for this costume or use one [provided by JulienJeanroy](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4391928) (although it doesn't quite fit the intended aesthetics, but it's really close to it). # Scale it properly! **For 57cm head circumference 103% scale up gives a snug fit, 104-105% should work better** **For 58cm head circumference 107% scale up should work well** **For 59cm head circumference 110% reported to fit well over a headmask** The mask can be printed in 3 parts if your printer has large enough build volume, or you can print in 6 parts (included in archive). Print with supports and probably with rafts (if you have problems with delaminating supports). **Make sure to scale the mask right** Either way, you'll need to find a way to glue it, so find the proper glue for your plastic. There were no full mask model in the source thing, so I can't provide you with one. Antlers have both full and cut in 3 parts models (included in archive). Print with supports and rafts. Antlers came from different model than the mask, so the mask doesn't actually have any special place to attach antlers to. I used an awl to puncture the skull at proper places and then used a drywall screws to pivot/attach antlers. Then I secured them with hot glue right between antlers and skull, which turned out to look like those natural bumps at the base of antlers and blended pretty well when painted. To properly size claws first print the Sizer part (included in archive) in different scales (start with 120% and increment up to 190%). Try printed sizers on your intermediate phalanges (second from the fingertips). It should fit snugly. When found proper scale for each of your fingers, print 4 ClawFinger and 1 ClawThumb per arm at desired scale. Claws are printed with supports and rafts. All of these can be printed in draft settings, with maximum layer height and nozzle diameter. ## Tips on completing the costume For covering your body use full-body spandex costume. They're cheap and can be bought for any size. Black ones are quite versatile for many costumes (affiliated links ahead!): http://ali.pub/56wqc4 http://ali.pub/56wqhy http://ali.pub/56wqlu If you don't have any time left for international shipping, use women's black pantyhoses or tights to cover your head. 2 layers of 20 DEN should be enough, but YMMV. ** Don't forget about breathing! ** Although both lycra/spandex and nylon tights are quite breathable you may want to leave a little hole (fortified with heavy stitching to not let the fraying sides loose) so that you can breathe easier and drink at the party.






