Anycubic i3 Mega Raspberry Pi 4B holder with Raspberry Pi Camera mount

Anycubic i3 Mega Raspberry Pi 4B holder with Raspberry Pi Camera mount


This is an i3 Mega all-in-one holder for the Raspberry Pi 4 and the Pi Camera V2. I use it for OctoPi. The holder is being clamped to the left side of the i3 Mega. If you mirror the clamp you can mount it to the right side. The Raspberry Pi 4 case can be slided onto the side of the clamp and the camera is held by a ballhead mount. Everything can be installed toolfree. I remixed the pieces from these sources: <- This is the clamp. I added the slide mount to the side of the clamp and a ballhead camera mount. <- This is the Pi camera holder. I changed the ball mount socket to fit better. It is hard to push in but once it's in it's very sturdy <- This is the great snap in case from Malolo for the Raspberry Pi 4B. I made the base a little bit thicker and and changed the base so it fits the slider on the clamp. I went for the orientation that the USB ports are on the bottom side and the micro USB-C on the back. You can choose any case top from this source that has the flexcable opening. As i chose the one with the air vent slots I included that file. The flexcable should be at least 25cm (mine is 30cm). I printed it with 0.4 nozzle and 0.2 layer height with a speed of 50mm/s. You dont need any supports. Don't forget to add "-rot 180" to rotate the camera 180° in octopi.txt Alternatively u can flip h+v with "-fv -fh" This is how my octopi.txt looks like: camera="raspi" camera_raspi_options="-x 1640 -y 1232 -fps 20 -quality 95 -rot 180"



