Projector Screw Jack

Projector Screw Jack


So i had this projector and the little riser that is supposed to pop out is broken. Plus, it never really went as high as i wanted so i was always using stacks of random books or other flat things to rise it up. No more! This little handy jack goes from 16mm to a ceiling-facing 96mm! more than my little projector can handle, since with it that high it's resting on the power cable coming out the rear. The center has a depressed area to hold the rubber foot of the projector. It prints all in place, or you can separate the parts in your slicer and print it multicolor or whatever. Might have some issues with overhangs on the threads though, i believe printing it all together it acts as its own support. It all broke free of itself pretty easily as i removed it from the bed. You can probably use this for a number of things besides a projector! Post pics of how you use it!






