Phrozen Transform Drip holder
WARNING USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.. DAMAGE TO LCD WILL OCCURE IF THIS FAILS. As you can see the tolerances are very tight on this. So printing on its side might be in order. Im going to sand it down and do some stress tests on it to see if I get comfortable myself on this.. You will also need A bolt that will fit in the slot on the bed. 2 nuts and 2 large washers. this is to hold the bed to this. I mean it worked but also another thing happened (redesign needed) inside the bed where the loop is between the handles collects resin in this position. so it will cause it to drip once you move it. (a small angle should resolve this in the next version) This is a way to hold your tray and let it drip so you can have the resin drip into the vat. This is test to see if its viable if it works Ill post more about it.