Keyforge Decks and Tokens Holder/Caddy
This is a caddy that carries four deck boxes and all of your Keyforge tokens and bits. This was designed around swholmstead's Stackable Game Bits Funnel Trays, which I will link to below. The idea is that all your small tokens would be permanently stored in the funnel trays, and the trays themselves would be pulled out and set on the side of your play area during the game, making for quick setup and clean up. This caddy features an area on one side for a set of three large metal keys such as the 2019 Vault Tour ones that purchased with aembershards. There is also a pocket underneath the funnel trays that can house two sets of three cardboard keys - it was designed for CotA-sized keys, but the smaller ones in later versions of the game should have no issue fitting. There is also an area to store a number of the smaller promos cards that have been released. The one thing this doesn't have is a dedicated space for any of the larger promo cards that have been released. There is room for a couple of larger cards behind each deck box, and that is where I slide my chain trackers - one behind each deck box which I grab each time I pull a deck out. If you have a substantial number of the larger promo cards, you may just have to eat up the space of one of the deck boxes. I'm sure I can make room for them with some design changes if I get feedback requesting room be made. The gray and orange caddy shown here was my prototype and a number of improvements have been made to the design since it was printed, mainly regarding the fit of the deck boxes, keys, etc. The largest dimension on this is 9.7", with the height being 6.03". This does just barely fit on the Prusa i3 mk3s bed, so be sure to check your printer's envelope. No supports or rafts are needed. The following are the reference parts that I use with Keyforge. You will need to use at least the first one, maybe two, listed here: Funnel Trays - I use the shorter of the trays in this link. Shown in my pictures are four of these trays, but you could probably fit 6-8 of them in the area designated, so there should be plenty of room available for token requirements of future Keyforge sets. Deck Boxes - Other boxes may work, but this was designed specifically for these Power Tokens - Armor Tokens - Stun Tokens - Damage Tokens - (I believe I scaled the 3s and 5s up for myself)