Portal Gun Pedestal Stand - Portal / Portal 2

Portal Gun Pedestal Stand - Portal / Portal 2


After searching in vain for a proper Portal Gun stand model online, I decided to export and upload it myself! There are 3 versions: Short, Tall, and Individual Pieces. The Short would look good on a shelf or desk. The Tall is probably impractical to 3D print, but some people may want a Tall stand, so I've included it for your reference. The Individual Pieces have holes in them intended for PVC pipe: 1 inch diameter to connect the Base Top and Base Bottom, and 3/4 inch diameter for the two holders and the display plate. I haven't actually made the stand yet, so you'll probably want to play around with lengths to see what works best. I suggest heating and bending the PVC used for the holders to get the right shape. There are lots of YouTube tutorials for bending PVC with heat. Also, the models are scaled roughly to life-size, but you'll probably want to scale it based on your own Portal Gun's dimensions if you plan on using it to display your replica. All models included are for you to use, print, remix, etc. Have fun! I followed [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Portal/comments/8nx41i/is_there_any_way_to_get_the_actual_ingame_portal/) to export the model from Portal 2, and it works for basically any model from the game. How complete or usable the model turns out... is a different story.







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