Polar Zen-Sandtable

Polar Zen-Sandtable


WORK IN PROGRESS I like the ZenXY, but I want a round table. So I designed a polar version of it. first try: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN0LI9nvCRA required parts: 1x aluprofile 2020 (length at your choice, I use 400mm) 3x Wheel for 2020 profile 1x bearing 6011 1x slip ring 6 wires (I´m using a 8 wire version) 2x NEMA 17 1x GT2 closed belt 500mm 1x GT2 belt - length depends on length of your profile 2x GT2 pulley 16t 4x GT2 idler 16t 1x electronics of your choise - currently I´m using RAMPS 1.4 2x TMC2208 (for silent operation) 1x power supply 1x mechanical endstop 1x neodym magnet 12mm 1x round glass and wires, bolts... milled parts: https://www.inventables.com/projects/sandtable-60-2 (I split the circle to 6 parts to save material.) printed parts (I used PLA): 1x slider2020.stl 1x base.stl 1x Rad.stl 1x Motorhalterung.stl 2x Endstophalterung.stl (1x mirror inverted) 1x Arduino Mega Mount (e.g. Thing: 53857) 3x Cable Management (e.g. Thing: 1561292) 1x TPU-Entkopplung.stl (use TPU) 1x TPU-Entkopplung-Motor.stl (use TPU) next Steps: 1. cable management!!! DONE 2. firmware adaptions for polar CNC DONE => works but not handy. Trying R360 firmware 3. building and sanding the frame DONE (4. Add LED stripes) (5. Smartphone control) FIRMWARE: I´m using kartesian Marlin. Y is used as polar axis. Movement of 360mm is a rotation of 360°. => Using the Polar Pre-Processor from bartdring. Thank you for your work!





