Wall Penetration 4in Spiral Hose - Male Connector
Wall Penetration 4in Spiral hose If you print this project, and you are happy with the final part, do not forget to buy me a roll of filament - in order for me to be able continue to test and improve these projects or to design new ones! If you are not happy with this design or you have problem with your printed parts - send me a message, we will try to fix it together! :) If you do not want or you can't afford to buy me a roll of filament ... its ok, I still hope you enjoy printing my designs! Pace! Example was printed with ASA filament, using 1.0mm nozzle - for fast prototyping. Build on same platform! The long flanges and other parts... you are welcome to take it from there! https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3953776 If is required to pass trough a wall with a 4in hose. Before testing - clean all threads, using a wire brush/sand paper - clean all impurities/print glitches! Design to print without support! :) By Costa