Deck Box Dungeon Organizer

Deck Box Dungeon Organizer


I purchased Deck Box Dungeon ( a few days before designing this, and saw only a few cases/organizers available on Thingiverse. I spent the next few days tweaking to get the dimensions right after my copy arrived. Details on different versions: * Deck Box Dungeon Organizer: This one is the smallest, with no sections dividing the cards. * Deck Box Dungeon Organizer - Segments: This one is slightly larger, with 3 sections for the cards to be separated * Deck Box Dungeon Organizer - Segments with Labels: This is the same size as the other segments organizer, but has some labels inlaid for each section. * Deck Box Dungeon Organizer - Segments with Labels and Platform: This is the same as the third above, except I added a small platform to the base to allow for a printed lid. I guess this one could be usable if the others don't actually fit the standard tuckbox(and I don't feel like tweaking them) There is also a lid model for the 4th organizer model above, using the logo model created by bharner for his organizer: --Important-- Note: the segments are NOT all the same size, and are designed for this organization: 1. Bottom segment (Hero Cards): 4 hero cards, 4 ability cards, 6 tracker cards, 5 Equipment cards, 1 reference card. 2. Middle segment (Dungeon Cards): 5 enemy cards, 15 dungeon cards 3. Top segment (Item Cards): 12 item cards, 2 rune cards. Many of the dice have different dimensions length and/or depth vs height. So while the dice MAY seem too tight, if you change the orientation of a few of them all of a sudden you have a ton of give. Unfortunately, the manual will not fit in the box with any version other than the base "Organizer" version. It may fit in the platform and lid version if your dice do not have that much variance. Any/all feedback is appreciated. Refer to the updates section below for any version changes.



