KKlip Keurig 2.0 Stuck Handle Fix

KKlip Keurig 2.0 Stuck Handle Fix


The Keurig Klip (KKlip) is my fix for a Keurig v2.0 coffee maker where the handle is jammed in the up position and will not close. If you have a 2.0 machine and it has the same inner assembly as in the pic this should work. This solves the issue having to manually push down on the inner bracket in order to close and should be a permanent fix which probably occurs from wear and tear. I have used this for months now with no issues. Simply print and snap on the left corner of the inside tray. See it in action https://youtu.be/EkubWbCXsXE Enjoy coffee drinkers! If you have slicing issues please use the KKlip repaired file. --> thanx to 2hot6ft2 ;)



