Jeff Wayne Martian Fighting Machine / Tripod (fixed)

Jeff Wayne Martian Fighting Machine / Tripod (fixed)


This is a new Fixed Version of the Original Design provided by Samsam237 for the Jeff Waynes "The War of the Worlds" Tripod Model. The feet got their ball connectors, and I've added some alternatives for the Leg Segments, which can now printed in single segments with their connectors. There are also some alternatives for the Elbow Parts (combined and splitted into single parts) Fixes: - foot_rear - leg_rear_bottom_segment - leg_rear_mid_segment - leg_rear_top_segment - leg_rear_top_elbow - foot_left - leg_left_bottom_segment - leg_left_mid_segment - leg_left_top_segment - leg_left_top_elbow Alternative: - leg_left_top_elbow_2 - leg_left_top_elbow_segment - leg_left_top_elbow_connector - foot_left - leg_right_bottom_segment - leg_right_mid_segment - leg_right_top_segment - leg_right_top_elbow Alternative: - leg_right_top_elbow_2 - leg_right_top_elbow_segment - leg_right_top_elbow_connector ------- OLD ----- While printing the original model from Samsam237, I've had some minor issues with the provided files. Therefore, I have created a remix with some minor changes on some files. The changes are the following: - LegPoles_Seperate.stl splitted into single files: -> Leg_Bottom_Pole.stl -> Leg_Mid_Pole.stl -> Leg_Top_Pole.stl -> Leg_Joint_Pole.stl -> LegPoles_Diagonal.stl -> Arm_Pole.stl - SideJoints.stl splitted into: -> SideJoints_Left.stl -> SideJoints_Right.stl - SensorProngs.stl spitted into: -> SensorProngs_Left.stl -> SensorProngs_Right.stl - Arm_Pole_Left.stl + ArmPole_Right.stl removed (will be covered by Arm_Pole.stl) - Elbow_Rear.stl (modified Elbow_Left.stl) - Leg_MidSegment_Right.stl* - Leg_MidSegment_Left.stl* - HeatRay: Fixed an issue with the 3D Model -> HeatRay-V2.stl -> HeatRay-V3.stl -> HeatRay-V4.stl - Added a solid version of the Heatray -> HeatRay-V2.2.stl -> HeatRay-V3.2.stl -> HeatRay-V4.2.stl






