lion stele box (with and without lid)
Thank you to GeoffreyMarchal for this nice stele scan. I remixed it to this boxes. There are four versions: * box with lid - two parts - as shown in the first picture * the two parts are as single parts in the download * the gap around the bolts is 0.5 mm * it is possible the lid fit in one direction only * the lower part as box (without lid) * the upper part as box (without lid) * the whole think as box (without lid) The versions without lid are not compatible to the one with lid. (not same cuts/sizes) I remixed it just for fun and did not print it yet. Scale it to the size you need. I guess all are printable without support (depending on the size) but not sure. If you made it, please post it. Published on Thingiverse #3970844. The first image is only as example and not for printing. The two parts are as single parts in the download.