Wismec Reuleaux RX2/3 Battery Sled Covers

Wismec Reuleaux RX2/3 Battery Sled Covers


Replacement parts for the top and bottom of RX 2/3 battery compartment. See picture for location. Printed at 100% infill for max durability. Repeated loading and unloading the battery with any sort of force will eventually break the plastic that holds down the brass contacts on the original mod, breaking the circuit and keeping the mod from powering on. These parts were modeled and printed to replace the top and bottom plates of the battery compartment when the mod would not longer function. Originally the top was the only thing broken, but the bottom didn't hold up well to my less than patient means of extracting everything. So I modeled that as well. The guides for the bottom release button can be a little sticky, so you may want to sand them a bit to help overcome the friction of the layer lines. Let me know if you found this useful, as it took a bit of time and trial and error to get it to fit properly and I'd love any feedback you may have.






