PC4-01, PC4-M8, PC4-M6 Fittings

PC4-01, PC4-M8, PC4-M6 Fittings


What is this all for: ============== There are many similar pieces, but I had problems with reliability, for example, I printed this https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2512460 thing 4 times and broke them all :) This time i needed PC4-01 and I did not find the size I need. So I decided to design the part in size close to the original one so as not to conflict with recently printed cooling system, and the key coming with the ender3 is suitable :) The basis is a split spring collet, such are used in metal water pipes. Сonsist: ============== In the project, sources in .f3d format and exported to .step for PC4-01, criticism and modifications are welcome! Nut and collet the same for all sizes 3 options body fitting * PC4-01 thread G1 / 8-28 and through hole 4.2 mm for PTFE tube * PC4-M8-through hole 4.2 mm for PTFE tube * PC4-M6 - 2 mm hole for filament The fitting itself is assembled on the M9x1mm tolerance + 0.2mm, the fine pitch provides easy fixation and good assembly without additional processing. Tested on PetG HiPS collet in 2 versions * collet-4mm.stl no tolerance for printing HiPS * collet-4.15mm tolerance +0.15 for printing PetG Print options: ============== - print all parts with external thread up see placing.png picture - alignment of the seam - the sharpest corner and always hide (this is important) - layer 0.15 - 4 perimeters - the bottom thickness of the lid and the filling does not matter - cooling 100% - minimum layer time 1s - adhesion depends on the material, I used a 5-layer border for my Ender3 and PetG the settings of the outer wall speed are 50mm/s the remaining speeds are 70mm/s - it takes less than 15 minutes to print a set of nut + fitting + collet with heating. I think I will soon add my version of handles for files and drills :) ---- Have a good print! UP: I recently made file handles with a similar design - I found strength problems at the threads on Hips plastic Specially broke a pair of fittings and added bevels to the design, durability will never hurt :)





