1602 LCD Housing for I2C driver equipped LCD
This is a case for the common 1602 or 16x2 LC Displays with soldered I2C driver board. I made this case because I wanted something to protect the display but still be able to connect dupont jumper wires for quick and nice prototyping. The STL file includes threads in the mounting holes for M3 screws. I used M3x6mm with countersunk head (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32421673207.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dbZt3Ff). It needs maybe a bit of refinement in the measurements for no gap fit to the display bessel. For me it doesn't matter because I print my cases in translucent filament for a cool look when lit. Fusion360 file is added. Feel free to remix the case and let me know of your makes.