RC T-Rex tank with working gun!

RC T-Rex tank with working gun!


RC T-Rex tank inspired by T-rex skull : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:373367 Fully working RC tank with automatic gun (6mm ASG balls) winch and LED lights. Playing sounds with Mp3 module. https://youtu.be/QhOHkRFn_Gk Parts needed: * two cheap motors with gearbox (yellow one) * Arduino nano * MP3 arduino module with SD card (optional) * Mini servo (modified 360 rotation) * 6x bright leds * Pololu motor with gear box * some M3 screws and nuts (different lengths) * 10x wood screws * 2x small wood screws * 9x spring (30mm x 5mm x 0.5mm) * 3x IRF34N mosfet (or similar) * cheap PS2 wireless pad * 2S Li-ion with PCM (18650) * power switch * DC jack for Li-ion charger Arduino code can be found here (Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO IDE): https://gitlab.com/wwwektor/t-rex-tank More details I'll upload soon



