Mozajk matrix display

Mozajk matrix display


Large dot matrix display character module with WS2812 1-LED PCB modules. **Modules** Power supply Control unit Character modules of one size are designed to be mounted on the common frame Layouts: 8x8 - graphics, large arrays 5x8 - text, row displays 5x7 - text, row displays - useful to save money as majority of characters use only 7 pixels on height **sizes** sizes named according to pixel size 18 - designed for printing in pairs on Prusa i3 3D printer - pixel size 18 x 18 mm - module dimensions without brackets 180 x 120 x 46 mm 2X - designed for maximum utilization of printing area on Prusa i3 3D printer **Printed parts name guide** module_pixel size_pixel layout_module type_part name **Purchased parts** Fasteners - M3 30 mm hex button head black - ISO 7380 - housing, frame connectors - M3 8 mm hex button head black - ISO 7380 - bracket to housing, power supply housing - M3 5 mm hex button head black - ISO 7380 - power supply module to housing Wires - solid wires - 0.5 mm2 - LED modules - CY 1.0 mm2 - columns - CY 1.5 mm2 - power banana connectors bridge - stranded wires - CYA 1.5 mm2 - LED matrix to power connector, chain cables - AWG-24 - LED matrix to bus connector (green-in yellow-out) Connectors - 4mm banana - red - power + - black - power - - green - signal IN - yellow - signal OUT Power source module - MEAN WELL LRS-100-5 Frame - 20 x 20 mm wooden or aluminium beam **Links** Info - [Adafruit NeoPixel Überguide]( - [WS2813 vs WS2812 - Shenzhen LED color optoelectronic]( - [Hitachi HD44780 LCD controller]( Inspiration - GreatScott! Make your own 10x10 LED Matrix






