CR-10S Pro - SKR Pro V1.1 SKR V1.3 and Ribbon Breakout Mount
This is a Mount for bigtreetech SKR PRO V1.1 / SKR V1.3 board and Ribbon Cable Breakout PCB Board, for the Creality CR-10S Pro. Mount was design from scratch, Fan and tunnel was modified/remix from it is design for M3 screws. so all mount points are M3 threaded. hardware used 1 X bigtreetech SKR PRO V1.1 board 4 X 2209 Drivers 1 X Ribbon Cable Breakout Board with I2C EEPROM (AT24C256) 1 X 40X40X20mm fan, 40X40X10mm fan should also work. 4 X M3 Stock Screws (used to hold the mount to the chassis) 6 X M3 5mm Screws (hold the SKR and breakout PCB to the mount) (2 for the bottom mount of the SKR, and 4 for the Breakout PCB) 1 X M3 8mm Screw (hold fan mount, into main mount) 2 X M3 14mm Screws (for Ribbon Cable Adapter Plate) 2 X M3 Washer (Optional for Ribbon Cable Adapter Plate) 4 X M3 25mm Screws (hold 40X40X20mm fan into fan mount, i only used 2 screws) 1 X M3 30mm Screw (Top Left mount hole. hold the tunnel, SKR board to the mount) 1 X M3 35mm Screw (top right mount hole. hold the tunnel, SKR board, and mount. screw in the actual metal chassis) -------------------------------- ===========Update -------------------17/11/2019 added Ribbon Cable Adapter Plate V1 to be used where the ribbon cable comes out of the chassis/case. Remove OEM retaining bracket, push through usb cables and micro sd card extension cables through. ---Order of installation leave ribbon cable flat on chassis, put flat part of Ribbon Cable Adapter Plate on top of Ribbon Cable, insert usb cable through the grove of the adapter plate lay the micro sd card extension cable on top lay the OEM Retaining bracket on top of the whole thing insert 2 X M3 14mm with washer to secure everything ------------------- Modify Mount (Mount V4) to have mount points for the SKR V1.3 only issue is that the bottom right mount overlaps with the OEM mount point. so there are NO screw mount point for the bottom Right for the SKR V1.3. instead there is a riser so that the board does not just float in the air. the V4 Mount HAS NOT BEEN TESTED. if you do test it, please post pictures and leave a comment. V3 mount has been tested and working on the SKR PRO V1.1 ================== -------------------------------- Ribbon Cable Breakout PCB Board Beefed up trace width where possible. Heater PCB trace has trace on both Front and Back. Heater connector changed to a more standard 5.08mm screw terminal and added I2C AT24C256 EEPROM -------------------------------- modified Marlin source code slightly to be able to use the Stock CR-10S Pro LCD/TFT touchscreen Display. still testing tweaking the values/settings at the moment. you need to change the "default_envs = BIGTREE_SKR_PRO" in platformio.ini already submitted a pull request to InsanityAutomation, so hopfully this will be available there soon. ----Update 02/01/2020 changes has already been merged into InsanityAutomation CrealityDwin_2.0 branch since 21/12/2019 DW5. please use this instead. deviation from the InsanityAutomation config that i am using are. Marlin/Configuration_adv.h #define Y_CURRENT 740 //(bump to 800 if missing steps) #define Z_CURRENT 720 #define STEALTHCHOP_E -------------------------------- freecad 0.18 file also included fasteners workbench addon required the M3 threaded hole are not made yet, just have to do a boolean cut between the main body and the 4 screws and it will be the same as the stl.