Tevo Tarantula Pro y axis tensioner

Tevo Tarantula Pro y axis tensioner


UPDATED: Added a second tensioner for a Gates GT2 idler This is a remix of the y axis tensioner by ivango2. I had issues with the original fitting in the rails of my TTP and could not make it slide even after filing and sanding a bunch so... I did a complete redraw of the tensioner body and slide plate. This tensioner allows the full 240mm of travel. It fits and slides on the end of the 20x40 rail even after tightening the idler bolt. I flipped the idler bolt around to make installation a little easier and to give the bolt threads more material to lock into. The bolt head is recessed and the heatbed cabling slides easily over the bolt head. I narrowed the gap for the idler so that it should fit snug with the 10mm idler. if the gap is too tight, then a little light sanding can be done. I trimmed the side of the tensioner so that it does not push on the endstop switch. The body of the tensioner is flat on the back to allow printing without supports. The original knob was not deep enough for the carriage bolts that I had so I made it a bit deeper. I increased the diameter of the end cap and made it a little deeper so that it should snap into the knob. parts neeed for tensioner with stock TTP idler 1 - 5/16 "x 1.5" carriage bolt 1 - 5/16 nut Idler pulley and screw from the original kit without the nut or spacer parts neeed for tensioner with Gates Powergrip 2GT 20 Tooth Idler 1 - 5/16 "x 1.5" carriage bolt 1 - 5/16 nut Gates Powergrip 2GT 20 Tooth Idler and M5 x 30 socket head cap screw Printed on my TTP for use on my TTP. Let me know if you have issues fitting



