DE Double Edge Adjustable Safety Razor

DE Double Edge Adjustable Safety Razor


Hi. My personal safety razor for every day. My friends are joking that I bought the 3D printer just to print this razor. :-D <br> The razor is adjustable and requires two metallic parts: - 1x coil spring 7,5x35,8x0,7 mm or similar - 1x countersunk screw DIN963 5x40 mm or similar. - optionally you can use two hexagonal nuts to adjust the centre of gravity (see figure [04]( and [05]( <br> To ensure correct position of the scale, please follow these steps: 1. The mark on the Handel_M5.stl, Comb_plate.stl and on the Cover_plate.stl needs to be in line and oriented at the same side. (see figure [07]( 2. Ensure, that all parts inclusive razor blade is in the right order (see figure [04]( and [05]( and the three markings (mentioned in step 1) are aligned. This will require adjustment of the screw orientation slightly. 3. If everything is in place, you can fix the screw with epoxy glue at the cover plate. Let it fully cure before use. <br> <b>If you follow these steps, you will have useful scale which is important for your own safety!!! Usage of the razor is at your own risk!</b> <i>p.s .: If you like it, I'll be looking forward to a [beer donation]( ;-)</i>






