Secure Pack (Child Resistant pending) - by IlluminateCC
Many places have now legalized Cannabis, but when out and about in public, it must be in a secure container that is "child safe" We at 'Illuminate Cannabis Co.' have come up with this design, for a "child safe" storage container, as an alternative to the bulky containers often given by dispensaries. We've gone through much testing of this design, to ensure it's easy to use for adults. We've designed and tested this container to be in line with government regulations on child safe containers We've tested this design on children, ages 3 - 4. Out of all children tested none were able to open it. These tests were done in-house. Our 'Secure Pack' container is not yet certified, and not yet tested by a government facility. We are confident it can pass the testing requirements, and receive certification, and we will be pursuing this in the near future. In the mean time, aside from selling this as a product and many others on We have decided to give the .STL files away for free, to give back to the community. We hope to raise Funding to have this design Certified by government standards, as the certification process is quite expensive ($9,000 - $18,000 USD) we cannot fund this ourselves, and have brought this to the community for help. The design as is, while it works, and meets criteria set out by the government. Because it is not certified, could not be used as a container (legally) If you would like to help us have this design certified, we are taking donations towards this effort, aside from that, any purchases from our store would also greatly help in this effort. Hope you enjoy.