HTC Vive Lens adaptor - BoboVR Z6 Lens

HTC Vive Lens adaptor - BoboVR Z6 Lens


Lens adaptor for HTC Vive VR to replace Fresnel lenses / Gear VR / or Carl Zeiss with 52mm Aspheric lens from BOBOVR Z6 This mod is for the original HTC Vive only, not Pro or cosmos, while these lens and adaptors may fit I don't have these headsets to create any kind of calibration settings. The BOBOVR Z6 uses a large 52mm (43mm usable area) clear aspheric hyperboloid lens which fits perfectly into the HTC Vive, unfortunately there is a slight difference in focal length therefore requiring adaptors. The BOBO lenses are fitted to the headset by a snap fit ring which can be carefully released by separating it from the base then used to fit over these adaptors. The only disadvantage is acquiring the BOBO headset and cost around $24 shipped from china. The overall result is an almost factory finish with the lenses only protruding around 5mm from the original lens allowing greater room for glasses wearers. Clarity and sweet spot is equivalent or better than the common Gear VR modification. In addition field of view is the same or actually greater both horizontally and vertically than original lenses (at same scale). Chromatic aberration is almost identical or better than original, however there is some slight barrel distortion and pupillary swim which can be mostly removed by calibration. (see calibration figures below). However headset placement on the face is more critical. IPD distance seems to be better if adjusted to approx 3mm less than actual IPD. Godrays are better than original or mostly equivalent to Gear VR lens. The only perceived disadvantage is there is some slight reflective/refraction of out of site image at the very edges of the lens. Note. I originally made these adaptors at a height of 5.74mm however on testing the focus wasn't actually quite perfect so have manually modified them to improve this (with some small blobs of blutac currently, this may be due to margin of error from the prints as one eye seems better than the other even though its the same part so I have modified the model to a depth of 6mm for better tolerance but I don't actually own a 3d printer to test this or other variations, sending these out to print adds more cost, so as such this version is untested but should be ok, maybe I'll be lucky and Santa will bring bring me a printer). Instructions to apply calibrate the headset better to the lenses: Plug in your HMD, turn on lighthouses, run steam. 2. Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\lighthouse\bin\win32\ 3. Run: lighthouse_console.exe 4. Download your current config, using command: downloadconfig og_vive_config.json (ensure your headset is in view of lighthouses and display is on by activating proximity sensor, otherwise you will get an error such as"Expected 3502 bytes of config but only found 2418. Rejecting config Unable to read config from device" 5. File will be saved in the current directory(make many backups, email it to yourself, save it on a cloud drive etc. so you can reverse this mod if necessary). Make a copy calling it something new such as "mod_config.json" and replace the "tracking_to_eye_transform" section with the settings below. (leave all the other code alone). 6. Upload a new config with the "lighthouse_console.exe" using command: uploadconfig mod_config.json 7. Restart SteamVR and check the result. To reverse the process just upload the original config file. Thanks to /u/sencercoltu for the tool: and and all those before that dared rip their headsets to bits! This thing was made with Tinkercad. Edit it online Copy the code below into a COPY of your downloaded Vive Config: "tracking_to_eye_transform": [ { "distortion": { "center_x": 0.0757712125778198, "center_y": -0.00186246214434504, "coeffs": [ -0.256674766540527, -0.0265526510775089, -0.0313427820801735, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "type": "DISTORT_DPOLY3" }, "distortion_blue": { "center_x": 0.0757712125778198, "center_y": -0.00186246214434504, "coeffs": [ -0.305294901132584, 0.0480441078543663, -0.071230873465538, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "type": "DISTORT_DPOLY3" }, "distortion_red": { "center_x": 0.0757712125778198, "center_y": -0.00186246214434504, "coeffs": [ -0.220744475722313, -0.0867100954055786, 0.00508756190538406, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "type": "DISTORT_DPOLY3" }, "extrinsics": [ [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.03109734132885933 ], [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.00000002235174179077148 ], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.000000007450580596923828 ] ], "grow_for_undistort": 0.600000023841858, "intrinsics": [ [ 1.22361958026886, 0, -0.0757712125778198 ], [ 0, 1.09998631477356, 0.00186246214434504 ], [ 0, 0, -1 ] ], "undistort_r2_cutoff": 1.15486550331116 }, { "distortion": { "center_x": -0.0757326185703278, "center_y": -0.00186245481017977, "coeffs": [ -0.258221924304962, -0.0285648368299007, -0.0262703262269497, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "type": "DISTORT_DPOLY3" }, "distortion_blue": { "center_x": -0.0757326185703278, "center_y": -0.00186245481017977, "coeffs": [ -0.305846750736237, 0.05042514950037, -0.0709335058927536, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "type": "DISTORT_DPOLY3" }, "distortion_red": { "center_x": -0.0757326185703278, "center_y": -0.00186245481017977, "coeffs": [ -0.220744505524635, -0.0867100805044174, 0.00508756190538406, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "type": "DISTORT_DPOLY3" }, "extrinsics": [ [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.03109737858176231 ], [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.00000002235174179077148 ], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.000000007450580596923828 ] ], "grow_for_undistort": 0.600000023841858, "intrinsics": [ [ 1.22360110282898, 0, 0.0757326185703278 ], [ 0, 1.10015296936035, 0.00186245481017977 ], [ 0, 0, -1 ] ], "undistort_r2_cutoff": 1.15486562252045 } ],







3D Printing