Sheriff Star Badge Pin

Sheriff Star Badge Pin


I created this as a test for making personalized pins/broaches. Took me about a half hour to print. Formed in TinkerCAD. The size is approximately 32mm x 38mm and about 4mm thick. If anyone would be interested in an upscaled size, I could probably do that. I used pin/braoch claps from Amazon, size 30mm. To attach the pin to the print, I set the pin over the pegs and heated up a box knife with a lighter. ( NOT FOR KIDS, FIRE AND BLADES FOR ADULTS USE ONLY.) Then, while it's hot, I pressed the knife to the pegs and *** held it there until it cooled*** because if you don't the peg might stick to the knife and pull away from the shield, ruining your print. (I made the mistake so that you don't have to.) EDIT: I've found that you can do like a solderig technique if you broke off your pegs and you want to salvage your print. I held a scrap piece of filament near a lighter flame and then when I saw it start to melt, QUICKLY placed it where I wanted it. I let it cool and then clipped the excess. If you look at it in "Thing View" you can see the star a bit better, I feel. EDIT: I added a painted photo.






