Deep Madness Investigator Dashboard Remixed

Deep Madness Investigator Dashboard Remixed


I wanted an Investigator Dashboard for Deep Madness. Their were two designs on Thingverse, but at the time, no finished photos of how they looked when printed, assembled and in use. In a Deep Madness FB Group, a pic of a-plastow's Investigator Card Holder, printed and in use, showed how great it was, in a way the individual STL's did not. ...but, I wanted to tweak it. I didn't want to go out and buy additional screws, and hardware, or a soldering iron, so I remixed the post and socket for the spinner, and I added the Deep Madness logo to the front. I also, have a smaller printer, so I did a very basic split to the files, as an additional option, in that I was already glueing the layers together. For mine, I printed the spinners with a black PLA base, with a filament switch to red, so the numbers were easy to read. I also liked the idea, of printing the top layer, in colors to match the base rings, and printing the activation card rims, from ExaZ's Support Character Cards. I have designed files for printing base rings to match.



