MPSM Cheapus Ultimus Maximus
In the beginning there was Cheapus Maximus. Then, dantu did a version with improved support. I hate cantilevers, more support is better. Dantu suggested an expansion of the design by 50mm using 350mm rails. I made the suggested modification. This is a work in progress. I have some ideas for improved heat and bed leveling but I need to build Mk 1 first Update: I have posted my first attempt at improved bed leveling. My backup printer is down so I have not been able to test these but here they are for what its worth. Use the origonal bed springs and cups under the bed mounts but only use 3 of them with the rear only getting one in the center. 3 point leveling is easier, but if it doesn't work I do have the holes in place for 4 point leveling. Get some smaller lighter springs to put under the original heated bed and use lock nuts on the bottom of its screws. The original bed will not be used for leveling, it is just spring loaded against the glass plate of the new bed. I will not be able to get accurate measurements for the glass until after I print it. To tension the Y belt I have made preparations to use No Drill Monoprice MP Select Mini GT2 Y Tensioner by divide. I have made some modifications to it to work with this build. That is where this project stands at the moment, it may be a month before I get my second printer working (slow boat from China) If any one tries this please leave feedback or post any questions.