Combination 38/25mm Storz Wrench (CFU / RFS)
This is a compact and lightweight wrench for Storz firefighting fittings, as used by many fire services around the world. It will not work on the larger 65mm fittings, but for home use, bushfire use, or volunteers it is more likely you will be using 38mm or 25 mm fittings. This has been designed to fit both of these sizes but still be printable on a 200mm maximum dimension bed. You could probably chop a bit of handle off and still be OK if you've got a 150mm bed. Print a pair and leave them with your fire gear so you're never caught out. Remember it's probably not a good idea to have flammable materials on your person in a fire situation. I've printed a couple of these at 0.4mm with 30% cubic infill and they seem to work.