Grip - Squeeze Fan

Grip - Squeeze Fan


Please scale the parts down to 75%, it then fits quite snuggly in your hand. I've dialed in the tolerances quite well after a couple of prints, however, a bit of lubrication still goes a long way. I recommend printing the hemispheres as shown in the picture provided, the smooth inside finish minimises friction. You will need to print: 3 x planet gear 2 x clamp It can be tricky at first to get the timing right, but with some practice it becomes intuitive. Likes, Makes, Comments and Feedback of any kind are greatly appreciated :) 24.11.2019: I have increased tolerances on some parts, as print bed calibration can impact the first layers and squeeze them outwards, causing trouble at assembly, pushing parts upwards and creating contact and friction where sufficient clearance has been provided in CAD. 25.11.2019: Since the counterclockwise direction of spinning has more leverage and is easier to maintain, print the "FAN-UPWARDS"-part to blow the wind upwards. Also, if I there is something I can design for you, you can always drop me a line on fiverr:



