rorary encoder for lead ball screw 1204, 80 slits

rorary encoder for lead ball screw 1204, 80 slits


This encoder will be part of a home made cnc, grbl, to count axis (mostly Y) rotation. I choose 80 slits, for easy calculations under normal stepper rotation. I intend to use a pair of these in Y axis, where I use 1204 lead ball screws and NEMA 23 steppers. The bore of the encoder is fitting to a 1204 screw, and a M3 screw designed to keep this mounting firm, but normaly seems no to be needed. Sometimes I have a little coupler drifting, and I think that, measuring the rotation of each lead screw separately, and compare results. In case a difference occurs, the controller will send to GRBL arduino MEGA a terminal switch alarm, so the CNC machine will get a stop without damages. A Motor Encoder RPM Speed Counter Interrupter Sensor Module FC-03 will be used to count steps.






