Automatic Gate with IR sensor and Arduino
This is a small project that simulates the operation of an automatic gate made with Arduino and an IR sensor. It is an ideal educational project to combine design and programming. The structure of the gate is made of two components: - A servo holder made of PLA - A guide made of PLA - A gear made of PLA - A balsa wood base of about 350 x 140 mm - A piece of balsa wood of about 200 x 50 mm that simulates the structure of the gate. You can use the attached file (inside Thing Files) called A4 gate the components were printed on a Geeetech printer. The circuit board is made using: - Board Arduino One - A Futaba S3003 servo,aps,185&sr=8-5 - Infrared sensor with remote control,aps,185&sr=8-5 - A breadboard - A 10kOhm resistor Other tools used are: - A hot glue gun - Screws - Screwdriver When the circuit is ready to operate the gate is necessary: 1 - Open the Arduino sketch called IR_e_servo (inside the Thing Files) 2 - Check that you have installed the IR library for the remote control you purchased. 3 - Pressing the + button will open the gate 4 - Press the key - the gate will close HAVE FUN!