Geeetech A10 Motherboard upgrade

Geeetech A10 Motherboard upgrade


With thanks to Bruce Greenleaf for his help. I wanted to upgrade my A10, it was one of the first produced so has the GT2560 RevB board. The reasons for upgrading were to have the new features such as filament runout, Resume print etc, the new board also better 5 Volt smoothing and a more constant heating of the hotend. There are a few physical changes required because the motor cables are different and the Power feed to the bed has an alternative wiring layout, if not altered shorts the PSU. I suggest you re arrange the pins in the Heated Bed plug first, because if you can't do that there is no point proceding. You can buy a tool, but its very easy to use an ordinary paper staple to slide down the side of the pin and it releases the barbs holding the pin in the casing. before re arranging the pins in the plug, very gently prise them up, so they will once again lock in the housing. The attached pictures show clearly the new order that the plug should be. so before you begin, Gather the required parts. GT2560 V3 board Cables as Req for motors Heated Bed wiring arrangement image Marlin 2 by Vertabreaker Tools to alter Bed plug ( a paper staple ) A two pin socket for the fan Move the Z axis high to allow space to work Undo the bed adjusters and move the hot plate out through the back of the frame Remove the M.B. cover plate Take a picture of the wiring layout just for reference Re arrange the Hot Bed wiring as per the description and images Disconnect all the plugs from the board Remove the old MB leave the stepper drivers in the old board for safety Remove any wiring to motors and end stops that is being changed out If required feed and connect the new motor wiring and end stop cables Fit the 2 pin plug to the fan. I believe they are called JST plugs Using vertabreakers Marlin 2 suite upgrade the firmware Helpful links Removing the Pins demo Marlin 2 Files, video links as to how its done Parts from one of these guys United Kingdom Ian Sugden Ossett West Yorkshire WF5 9RU United Kingdom message Phillip on FaceBook







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