Discworld remix

Discworld remix


Very excited to see this Thing as I'm a big fan of Terry Pratchett. Great model, the turtle and elephants were perfect, so I didn't want to remix them in any way. I wanted a more "realistic" depiction of the Discworld continents including the islands. The Hub is still exaggerated , but not overly so. (At 100mm diameter, the hub would be only 0.1mm high at scale. Why Mt. Everest looks almost flat from space.) I also remixed the rimfall to make if more "drippy". I used clear filament for that. As an after thought, I added a thin bottom disk with a beveled edge that can be glued on to the bottom of the Disk. The 1/8" hole in the center can be used to mount the disc on the elephants. I enlarged the hole in the center of the elephants where they all join and attached a small 1/8" dowel to get the position correct as I almost always misalign things when trying to eyeball them. As to the DiscWorld, I put in a pause at layer 20 (layer height set at 0.12) with a repeat of the last layer to change filament color. You might need to change the pause layer depending on layer height or your slicer. First time I tried this and it came out pretty good I think. Used heavy gel medium to get the mountain textures and liquid acrylics for the final touches. I added another Discworld stl file, DiscWorld4.stl. It is a little bit more detailed as I found the online SVG to STL website smoothed out too many details along the coast and merged the close small islands together. The new OpenScad version, 2019.05, imports SVG files and does a great job of creating stl files exactly as designed. This one has a mounting hole, so no need for the Bottom.stl. I also added an improved RimFall file (RimFall4.stl) with a mounting ring to go with the new DiscWorld4. Makes positioning simpler. Probably could be better. I left the old files here as the new Discworld4 requires a bit more tiding up which someone may not feel it's worth the effort. Sliced in Cura 4.3 and printed on Ender 5.



