Vixen GP Stepper Motor Mount

Vixen GP Stepper Motor Mount


NOTE: I designed this for someone and don't have a Vixen GP mount myself. If you try this, please leave a comment and let me know how it worked. This is a redesign of an existing Vixen GP stepper mount, thing number: 3964641. After printing that design, it was clear to me that the wall thickness was insufficient for the weight of the motor when connected to a mount. I took outside measurements from that design, and redesigned the interior to have thicker walls and better fit (tighter tolerances) of the stepper motor. Some have indicated the the motor may be too warm when inside this enclosure. Some of this can be mitigated by keeping your motor currents only has high as you need for the load. When this is not an option, I've also included a design with two of the sides opened up about 40mm. If you feel you need more cooling, the following heatsinks from ebay, fit inside these openings and could be attached to the motor, once the motor is inside the enclosure: I have included both a Fusion 360 archive of the mount and a Simplify3d factory file which are my exact print settings. I would double check those setting to make sure they would work for your printer. My Ender 3 is really a FrankenEnder, with a Duet2 Wifi and other mods.



