Parrot Mki9200 Remote Shell
This is a replacement shell for the Parrot Bluetooth MKi9200 device for cars. My remote had lost the middle piece and a broken battery cover, so this was my attempt at making a functional replacement. Overall, the print works well, and there's certainly improvements that need to be made, but I feel it's release-worthy for people who are looking for a replacement shell for this obscure piece of tech. It doesn't have the back clip gap unfortunately, but this could be added in the future. It may require some scraping with a knife and a little blu-tack but should mostly be friction-fit. The middle button is printed as a solid piece with two flanges. You will probably need to use tweezers to coax it out of the surrounding print. Edit (Aug-21): I've created a "drop-in" style variant that is more customised to suit a soldered battery with protruding wires, since the battery terminals snapped on mine, and I only had a battery with tabs spare. The buttons are PIP pressable, so they function much better. I'd recommend printing a rough one and seeing if it suits your (hopefully undamaged) parrot first. I also fixed the scaling :)