Burson Conductor v1 usb card upgrade from Tenor TE8802L to XU208 XMOS (Lusya)
I designed this object because I was completely dissatisfied with the factory-fitted Tenor TE8802L card on my Burson Conductor, because the sound was not clean enough with many clicks/pops audio dropouts/buffer underruns. After finding that not even the original CM6631 card was more available from the manufacturer to replace the Tenor card, I looked on Aliexpress for an alternative that was valid and I found the "Lusya Upgrade SITIME crystal XU208 XMOS USB" with a lot of positive feedbacks. However, there was still an obstacle to overcome, the Lusya card did not have the same format as the original Tenor card, as it has slightly different dimensions and also the holes are positioned differently from the original hex spacer, so I built this support in 3D to assemble replacing the original hex spacer, which fits perfectly on this board. Regarding the connections, the + 5V cable was no longer needed, as the Xmos screen takes power directly from the USB port of the PC, instead I recovered the SPDIF cable from the old card and soldered it to the new one. The new card is considerably better than the old one and also supports 32-bit audio up to 192 KHz. I am very happy and I advise all of you to upgrade the Burson as it is still an exceptional amplifier.