Angled Display / LCD - Maker Select Plus

Angled Display / LCD - Maker Select Plus


I originally made this thing because I needed extra clearance at the front of the Y axis of the printer due to modifying my print bed to a longer 275mm x 220mm. The original metal back plate of the LCD stuck out to far and got in the way of the bearing slide blocks full travel. Also the LCD circuit board was just a tad to tall and was being nicked by the slide blocks without the metal back in place. So I figured I would just move it to the front. I was able to get 240mm of usable Y axis travel after taking a dremel to the rear of the printer belt channel hole and this mod. I may go back and lengthen the channel a bit more in the rear to get hopefully 10mm or more clearance. Needed Materials: x2 M3 6mm Screws x2 M3 10mm Screws x4 M3 16mm Screws x4 M3 nuts, I used lock nuts just because that was what I had laying around



