Auto Guide Cam Case (AR0130 Sensor)

Auto Guide Cam Case (AR0130 Sensor)


Guide camera case for the AR0130 sensor, the B&W version. This is based on the original design by masutokw. His would work just fine for most people. I needed to make a few changes though to suit my needs. I had to model it from scratch since all i could open was the .stl files. So the design is inspired by his, but dimensions will likely be different is most areas. The main differences are: I eliminated the need for hardware other than the 3 m3 bolts needed to secure the front cap. Pillars and standoffs were added for the sensor to sit securely in place without the need for screws. I added a step to the 1.25" tube in order to add a standoff distance to clear the thumb screws on my guide scope. The opening for the wiring was shifted to line up with the plug on my sensor. The width of the tube was increased to 1.24" to fit more securely. Also, i changed the shape of the opening for the sensor and tightened the tolerances so that the opening will center the sensor. ***IMPORTANT BUILD INFO*** I also used double sided foam tape on back of the sensor on its the four corners. This allows the sensor to sit securely in place on the added pillars when the case is closed. I have included .STEP and .f3d files. If you do not want to use foam tape, you can increase the height of the pillars on the back case to hold the sensor securely in place. ***Aside*** If anyone using this sensor to guide, has been able to get PHD2 on the astroberry server to recognize it as a guiding camera, PLEASE let me know. I can guide with it perfectly on PHD2 using my laptop, but i really want to be able to run everything wirelessly through a raspberry pi. I’ve basically got everything else working, using the Pi as a wireless access point, except for guiding. And without guiding, all of the other is useless to me. So if anyone has figured out a way to run their rig with this sensor and the Pi, I’d love to hear from you. Thanks.



