GV Style Headlights for the Mazda Miata

GV Style Headlights for the Mazda Miata


Make sure to like, share, remix, and collect! Click on "Thing Files"! File Descriptions (Orientations are out of whack): jetstream.stl - original scan, weighs a ton, has a ton of mess - for daring editors only. quad mesh.obj are the quad mesh files that can be converted to solids in fusion, however I also included the Concept 1 v5.step file - which is a prepared solid. That being said, feel free to mod it and remix it, and definitely repost it. finally - simplified/corrected have been modified for prints - these are the ones you can just throw into cura; however, I suggest going over them before doing so. 3D Printer: $350 (Anycubic Chiron) 3D Scanner: $30 (Xbox 360 Kinect) Never having to mess with fiberglass again: priceless. Benefits: Easily mirror parts, instead of having to make doubles by hand Print stuff out every time you wreck, instead of always buying glass products or making your own. Availability of materials like Polycarbonate Carbon Fiber. With how cheap 3D equipment has gotten, there is no reason folks shouldn't skip on that purchase of replica GV lights and instead grab a printer and get some practice in. It's the holy grail of DIY. I've yet to print it - as I'm making some changes to the files - but if any of you are good with CAD, I can dm you the link to the drive folder. I wouldn't mind seeing these printed, or the changes ya'll will make. Given enough interest, I may just make these available to everyone. In the meantime, I'll be scanning my fenders. I suggest using at least a 0.6 nozzle to print this, however before even printing it, maybe throw the quad mesh or the step file into fusion360 and mess with it to straighten it out. Post remixes! I've also yet to upload the eyelid, but that's on the way.






