FT Arrow Wide Pod

FT Arrow Wide Pod


**Update 11/21.2021** Here is a video from my friend Andy's DJI DVR footage of this plane in the air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm1W058_pWI **Update 12/29/2019** I have added a "v4" variant. This is to address two shortcomings with the V3 design: Too much nose heavy CG, and the need to mount the motor from inside the pod. This new version attempts to address these. This has new holes and motor mounting pod changes to accommodate external mounting of the motor via the X plate usually included with SunnySky motors and others. I noticed that Turnigy, DYS and others have a 33mm hole pattern on the X plate. SunnySky has 34mm hole pattern. I have included both here. I have included a 15mm spacer for both 33 and 34mm mount pattern. You can use Z scaling in your slicer to get any dimension if you don't want 15mm. The spacer is to move the motor back, and thus move the CG back. It will also allow the motor to get cleaner air for efficiency and cooling. The V4 design I printed weighs in at 134 grams, printed with MatterHackers Build PLA black, 2 bottom layers, 2 wall layers, 3 top layers, 20% infill. I keep the bed at 70C for the entire print and it doesn't warp. My last prints have been much better than the ones pictured here. I am currently building a V4 version, and will post photos and videos soon, I hope! **End of 12/29/2019 Update** This is center pod design was originally intended to give me a platform for the left over wings from crashed FliteTest Arrow planes. Anyone who crashes an Arrow enough can tell you it is usually the center pod that goes first. This pod is designed to accommodate a 2200 3S and a flight controller. This version is for FT Arrow wings that have been cut at the 'pod line'. If you look at the plans, the Arrow wings can be made to accommodate a center pod or not. When I was salvaging my wings, I had to cut the center pod completely out. If you don't cut the center pod out, you end up with a larger wing with a wider wing span and a longer cord. I have a new version of this pod in the works that fits the larger full FT Arrow wing. Flight Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqBLGu80lOo Almost maiden of my second build with this pod. The first one was in PETG and it broke at the motor mount at the first bad crash when I was day dreaming out my side view camera. The PLA version is much better. I used these fins: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2679034 And these control horns: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1967781 More details about the plane coming soon...







R/C Vehicles