Terrarium Glass Slides

Terrarium Glass Slides


# Description I sketched multiple versions, all are 100mm long, 20mm wide and have 2mm thick guiding walls with 7mm space in between for typical 6mm glass panels. You can select between different versions for the top guides: * 10mm height * 10mm height with pre-drilled screw holes * 12mm height * 12mm height with pre-drilled screw holes The additional height gives the panels more support and/or yourself more leeway when fitting the glass panels to your (maybe slightly bigger) frame. To keep the bottom guides as rigid as possible I decided to stay with the standard 8mm height. In my experience it is totally sufficient to glue the guides in place, but if you prefer to use screws in addition you now can do so without hindering the smooth movement of your glass panels. # Motivation I was not satisfied by the standard hight of the shop model. I printed them with Wood PLA to achieve an even smoother blending into the terrarium frame. # Results Going to add pictures soon.





