CoreXY Calibration

CoreXY Calibration


Update: New Calibration Octagon. (Calibration OctagonV2) - Prints faster - Updated extruded instruction text - Updated V notches <br> This procedure makes use of three calibration objects. An Extrusion Cylinder, a Calibration Octagon and a 100mm Calibration Column. This is probably not the only way to calibrate but it's the process I used when calibrating my CoreXY. *A caliper is required to perform this calibration.* There are eight steps to complete the calibration: 1. verify the printer's frame is square. 2. Level bed and adjust the Z offset. 3. Calibrate the extruder. 4. Calibrate the Extrusion Multiplier of the slicer. 5. Identify the Alpha and Beta stepper motors. 6. Using the Calibration Octagon adjust belt tension. 7. Using the Calibration Octagon adjust steps/mm of the Alpha and Beta Motors. 8. Using the 100mm column adjust the steps/mm of the Z stepper motor. **Prior to starting calibration verify that the printer's frame is square, the bed is leveled, and the Z-Offset calibrated. These first steps are important to guarantee accurate calibration.**



