Flight Simulator G1000 12.1" & 10.4"

Flight Simulator G1000 12.1" & 10.4"


Flight Simulator G1000 Frame 12.1" & 10.4" FlightSimMaker introduces a 3D printable G1000 simulator designed around Arduino to interface into flight simulators. 3 January 2020 - Updates - Updated NAV, VNAV, and MENU buttons for better prints with .4mm nozzle(Credit: Mark S) 4 November 2020 - Updates - Made some changes to the 10.4" files. - Added mounting holes for the PCBs - Removed the inset for the PCBs causing clearance issues. - Added a center mounting point on the Bottom piece for the PCB. 31 October 2020 - UPDATE! a 10.4" LCD G1000 design is done. The 10.4" screen is better than the 12.1" in every way. I will leave this 12.1" files up for people who printed that design. Thank you for all the support! - Added the 10.4" files to this design since Thingiverse seems to be having some issues. October 1st 2020 - What's new in Version 2? - Minor change to the flipflop mounting hole location for backlit PCBs(more to come on those), will still work with previous PCBs. - Made Pan/Zoom arrows slightly larger. - Only the sides of the bezels were updated to V4.1, the top and bottom .STLs remain unchanged and are compatible with V4.1 and V4 Blank left and right. Required components for 1 Display W/Autopilot - 10.4" LCD display - 5 Duel rotary encoders (3D printed or commercial pieces) - 3 rotary encoders - 32 tactile switches 6x6x5mm - Ardunio Mega2560 - 5 CD74HC4067 modules (16-channel multiplexers) Estimated cost ~$160$ with 3D printed duel rotary encoders. - $95 LCD screen from Ebay - $15 for encoders - $50 for buttons, wires, arduino and misc components. - 3D printed Pan Zoom switch https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4222606 More Info on HCSCIS found here: www.hcscis.com 10.4" Display is from EBAY. https://www.ebay.com/itm/202750856706 The bezel is broken into 4 pieces and printed diagonally on a smaller print bed then glued together. The text on the buttons are raised, Print in white or transparent, paint black and sand off the top. Builder Guides and more information located here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1siKPc6BkJSg9kihLLKLU8frNLp2IIBlw_dUE9n4Btq4/edit?usp=sharing






