Hermera Y Carriage - printable version

Hermera Y Carriage - printable version


Open source printable version of the E3d Hemera mount by Mandala Rose Works in collaboration with Filastruder. Step file is included. An aluminum version can be purchased from: http://www.mandalaroseworks.com/product/ycarriages BLTouch, Fan Shroud Spacer, and Cable Bundle parts can be retrieved from this thing: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3999571 A special fan shroud was made specifically for the printed and machined Hemera mount, which can be located here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4050630 Some points to note, when using the printed belt retainer and clips from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3262662 you will need to put a bolt all the way thru the carriage, and attach it with nuts on the other side of the printed carriage. All other accessories that mount to this you can use an m3 screw. It should hold into printed parts just fine for the cable bundle mount, bltouch mount, and fan shroud.



