Drybox for any filament size rolls up to 2200 Gr. - Rolls (especcially PVA)
Hi, this is my first post here and I hope that this will add to the 1000 beautiful things there already are. This drybox really saves my ... because I had to learn the hard way that even in Europe there is too many humidity for PVA to last a while. After a gzillion times that I had to clean cloaked nozzles I finally found out why this would happen... HUMIDITY! The PVA slowly absorbs the water out of the air and grows useless. When the filament starts to hiss and zizzle this is a good indicator that the filament is full of water. Now you have 2 options: 1. Wait and pray for your prints to finish good. 2. Unmount the PVA-Roll and put it in an oven for 2 hours at 50 c°. Better solution is this Dry-Box. You could buy one at a local dealer now, but making one yourself is really great because you get to create one of your own. Choose the colour and off you go. First you start printing the parts: - Bottom 1a male - Bottom 1b two times. Then you print: - Abschlussstück links - Abschlussstück rechts Afterwards you print: - Brücke für a+b (two times) - Brücke für die Mitte Finally you print: - Element 1a - Element 1b - Halterung für die Trockenbox (two times) You repeat this print two times because you will need one at each side of the roll Please make sure that you glue them together only when they are seated in the propper openings. Once the glue is dry you can continue to glue on the "holder for the rolls" --> "Halterung für die Trockenbox" on each side... If you are only using 750gr. Rolls (standard) you will probably not need the "Feet" that I added (Füsse 25mm) but if you want you can print them nonetheless and glue them to the bottom. This way you will have space to throw some Silica-gel - Packs at the bottom without disturbing the rolls from rolling off... For the heat mat I added the "heizbetthalterung". Please feel free to use them or just create your own. It could be an advantage to print 4 of them and glue them on with the heat mat already there so that you don´t need to do any alignment or have distanceproblems once the holders are glued on wrong places. For addidtional stability I used abrasive paper to roughen the plastic of the box so the glue would hold better... Last but not least you could print the "Wandhängeeinrichtung a" and the "Wandhängeeinrichtung b" if you want to use the Drybox only for one roll. then you glue the "Halterung für die Trockenbox" onto the "Wandhängeeinrichtung b" and then you can glue the "Wandhängeinrichtung a" to the walls of the box you bought. Make sure that they are levelled right. Then you can even trimm the hight depending on the diameter of your roll... FOR THE PRINT "Wandhängeeinrichtung a" YOU WILL NEED PVA-SUPPORT or alike... Keep in mind that theese files for the above mentioned drybox are built modular. So you can print and add as much rollholders as you like... Let me know what you think and good luck. You can save some time if you print things paralell so you would not do all the steps that I just explained one after another... but that is limited to your build volume. Just decide that on your own... Greetings and have a nice christmastime soon. Greetings Daniel PS: Don´t forget to buy at least the following things to complete the dry-box: - one bowden tube holder for your filament size. - bowden tube to guide out your filament (if you us more outlets don´t forget to close them propperly if you don´t use them)--> I use a small piece of used filament so that no new humidity would enter the box... - One heat mat. You can order one at a shop for animals. They have those in stock for lizzards and other creapy animals that exist and need addtional heat! - Silica gel pads (but I think if you print a bit you would already have a ton of it because they always add one pack in a roll). - One hygrometer. You could get one a the same spot that you would have bought the heat mat at. Dont forget to reclose the holes with glue or silicone once you have drilled one for the bowdentube holder, or the power-cable of the heat mat. If you want you can leave the hygrometer inside the box if you can read the display well enough...