Wemos_DF_holder Wonderfoon pcb

Wemos_DF_holder Wonderfoon pcb


Wonderfoon is an 'old' Rotary dial telephone converted into to a jukebox for elderly people with Alzheimer / Dementia disease. When a number is dialed a song is played. To convert the Ericsson T65 or other telephones to a wonderfoon a small computer and mp3 player is added. This is a revised version from the Wemos holder used by Wonderfoon parts. Especially designed for Wonderfoon_pcb. I designed a pcb to make the assembly of the Wonderfoon more simple and to prevent errors in wiring. It also saves a lot of time! You can tighten the pcb with 2 self tapping screws or use the 3 plastic pins and secure the pcb with your solder iron. Updated 3D design on 18-12-2019 for an easier mounting! Longer legs! 4 mounting holes, use them how you want! Model with short legs is still usable but not supported anymore! Updated 3D design on 24-12-2019 for an easier mounting! Easier acces from bottom to sd card insert! Updated 27-12-2019: All STL's updated better fit sd-card Updated 20-03-2020 Edited the position of the mounting holes for easier mounting. Updated 16-04-2020 New holder version for new pcb version v2






