Kitchen Trashbag hook new design

Kitchen Trashbag hook new design

Description I had printed many of and modified them to hang small bags to put trash in while cooking. He even gave me the Fusion 360 file and I continued to modify. However they tend to snap/break when trying to remove supports. So I thought it was time to design my own from scratch. I'm getting better with fusion 360 and I'm starting to use constraints etc. I will modify it again later to be 100% print in place. But will leave the originals as the first one the pin broke overnight (draft/test pint only 5%). I have all ready modified a few parts (threaded the pin and making the pin cap and making a recessed area in the clasp, while the pin cap and threaded pin were printing I added a slot to each for a flat head screw driver but have yet to print). 5% on the pin may not be good enough I may use a 1/4" dowel rod or a machine screw and nut if it breaks again.



